Modified Cellulose Ethers


Modified cellulose ethers are highly efficient thickeners for cement-based plasters and gypsum mixes. Modified hydroxypropyl methylcellulose provide the necessary rheology to these compounds when mixed with water. Modified cellulose ethers ensure high water retention and good workability. Special modifiers selected in the required proportions, bring new properties to cellulose ethers. The modified cellulose ethers can optimize the value of the mixture, which is an important argument in today's highly competitive market of construction dry mixes (CDS).

Items Value for modified HPMC
Appearance Powder, white or off-white
Moisture content %, max 5,0
рН 4,0 – 8,0
Brookfield viscosity RVT, (2%, 20°С) 50000 ± 10 %, cP
Grain size 98% of grain mass below 150 mkm

For technical and commercial information on the modified cellulose ethers, HPMC just call or send an email to a consultant of Chemcontinent Ltd.

Сторінка українською
"Модифіковані _ ефіри_целюлози"
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"Модифицированные эфиры целлюлозы"

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